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To Perform a Basic Scan on a Specific Host

nikto -host [target_host_IP/name]

To Conduct a Scan on a Host Across Multiple Ports (Default is 80)

nikto -host [target_host_IP/name] -port [port1],[port2],[port3]

To Perform a Scan on a Host and Save Fingerprinted Information to a File

nikto -host [target_host_IP/name] -output [output_filename]

To Utilize a Proxy Server During the Scan

nikto -host [target_host_IP/name] -useproxy [proxy_address]

Additional Commands for Enhanced Nikto Usage

To Specify a Timeout for Individual Checks (in seconds)

nikto -host [target_host_IP/name] -maxtime [timeout_seconds]

To Exclude Specific Checks from the Scan

nikto -host [target_host_IP/name] -nointeractive -Tuning <option1>,<option2>

To Perform a Scan While Specifying a User-Agent

nikto -host [target_host_IP/name] -useragent [user_agent_string]

To Enable SSL/TLS on a Target Host

nikto -host [target_host_IP/name] -ssl

To Perform a Scan Using HTTP Authentication

nikto -host [target_host_IP/name] -id [username:password]

To Perform a Scan and Suppress Output to the Terminal

nikto -host [target_host_IP/name] -output - > /dev/null 2>&1