Local port forwarding: Forward a local port to a remote host
Remote port forwarding: Forward a remote port to a local host
Dynamic port: Create a dynamic port forwardingSOCAT
PORT FORWARDING "port to port":
- MSF: Most platforms
Forward: Get meterpreter session on one of the dual homed machines
Use -R to make it reverse- SSH: For Linux
If you already have an SSH session
on my Kali machine listen on 8081, get it from Now you can access, which you didn't have direct access to on your machine listen on 8083, send it to my Kali machine on 8084 Run nc on port 8084, and if ip:8083 receives a reverse shell, you will get it,For reverse shell:
Run it on 2nd remote target to get a shell on KaliOr if you didn't have an SSH session, then SSH to your Kali from target machine: On Kali: service ssh start,add a user, give it /bin/false in /etc/passwd
- PLINK: Just like SSH, on Windows start ssh service, and transfer
to the target machine
- SOCAT: For linux
Forward your 8083 to ip:443
- CHISEL: Most platforms
Remote static tunnels "port to port":
On Kali "reverse proxy listener":
General command:
Remote tunnels "access IP:PORT you couldn't access before":
Local tunnels "listen on the target for something, and send it to us":DYNAMIC "port to any": setup proxychains with socks5 on Or set up socks5 proxy on firefox For nmap use -Pn -sT or use tcp scanner in msf
- MSF: Most platforms
Get meterpreter session on one of the dual homed machines Auto route to ip (multi/manage/autoroute) Start socks proxy (auxiliary/server/socks4a)
- SSH: For Linux
- PLINK: Just like SSH, on Windows
- CHISEL: Most platforms