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Testing Approach

When conducting security testing for thick client applications, it's essential to follow a structured approach to thoroughly assess potential vulnerabilities. Here's a comprehensive testing approach:

1. Starting Checks (Enumeration)

Application Architecture

  • Understand the application's architecture, including client-server communication, data flow, and business logic.

Platform Mapping

  • Map out the underlying platform and infrastructure supporting the application to identify potential attack vectors and dependencies.

Languages and Frameworks

  • Identify the languages and frameworks used in the application, as vulnerabilities may exist in specific language implementations or framework components.

Network Connection Analysis

  • Use tools like Wireshark or TCPview to monitor network connections established by the application and analyze the data flow for potential security risks.

2. Common Tools and Vulnerabilities


  • CFF Explorer
  • Utilize CFF Explorer to analyze executable files, inspect PE headers, and identify embedded resources or vulnerabilities.

  • Wireshark/TCPview

  • Monitor network traffic using Wireshark or TCPview to identify potential security issues, such as plaintext transmission of sensitive data or communication with suspicious domains.

  • Procmon

  • Use Procmon to monitor system activity, including file system, registry, and process activity, to identify potential malicious behavior or vulnerabilities.

  • Detect It Easy

  • Analyze binary files using Detect It Easy to identify languages, frameworks, and potential vulnerabilities, aiding in the understanding of application structure and security risks.

  • Echo Mirage

  • Employ Echo Mirage to simulate various network attacks and analyze application responses for potential vulnerabilities or weaknesses in network communication.