What is iOS and its Structure¶
Introduction to Jailbreaking and Tools¶
A. What is iOS?
- iOS is a mobile operating system created and developed by Apple Inc. exclusively for iPhone, iPod,iPad & Apple TV
- Provides multi-tasking (allowing a user to perform more than one computer task)
- It only allows running Apple signed applications.
B. What is Jailbreaking?
- Jailbreak gives full access to the device.
- We Can say it is the privilege escalation from a normal user to root.
- Allows installing Apps that are not authorized.
- Install Application from Cydia which is AppStore for jailbreak Devices.
Types of jailbreak
- Users need to reconnect to their computer every time the device is restarted
- it's a one-time activity. no need to reconnect.
We will see how to jailbreak in an upcoming blog post.
D. iOS Architecture
- It contains an intermediate layer between the applications and the hardware so they do not communicate directly.
- it contains four layers *
- Core OS
- Core Services
- Media Services
- Cocoa Touch
Let us discuss one by one
1. Core OS Layer
- A layer with which most applications interact.
- All the iOS technologies are built on the low-level features provided by the Core OS layer.
- These technologies include Core Bluetooth Framework, External Accessory Framework, Accelerate Framework, Security Services Framework, Local Authorisation Framework, etc.
- The developer has limited access to this layer. still, the developer has the privileges to access the following frameworks *
- Accelerate - Big number and DSP calculations
- External Accessory - Communicate with hardware accessories.
- Security - Certificates and Cryptography
- System - Low-level Operating system method
Core Services¶
- The Core Services layer provides an abstraction over the services provided in the Core OS layer.
- It provides fundamental access to iPhone OS services.
Following frameworks available in the cure services layer:
Cloudkit Framework - The data can be moved between the app the iCloud using the Cloudkit Framework.
- Core Foundation Framework - This provides data management and service features for iOS apps.
- Core Data Framework - The data model of the model view controller app is handled using the Core Data Framework.
- Address Book Framework - The address book framework provides access to the contacts database of the user.
- Core Motion Framework - All the motion-based data on the device is accessed using the core motion framework.
- Healthkit Framework - The health-related information of the user can be handled by this new framework.
- Core Location Framework - This framework provides the location and heading information to the various apps.
- Core Location- GPS, cellular, or wi-fi based location services
Media Services¶
- The Media layer provides multimedia services that you can use within your iPhone.
- The media layer enables all the graphics, audio, and video technology of the system.
- Allows the developer to work with photos, videos, audios, animations, graphics-like things.
- It contains the following frameworks.
- AVFoundation: Advanced audio and video
- UIKit Graphics: Designing images and animating the view content.
- Core Graphics Framework: Support 2-D vector and image-based rendering and is the Native drawing engine for iOS apps.
- Core Animation: The Core Animation technology optimizes the animation experience of the apps.
- Core Audio: Low-level audio
- Media Player: Support audio, video playback & enables the user to use their iTunes library.
- Core Text: Advanced text layouts and fonts
Cocoa Touch Layer¶
- Cocoa: Touch layer provides an abstraction layer to expose the various libraries for programming the iPhone, and other IOS devices.
As per Apple documentation following frameworks are there:
UIKit- UI element, life cycle management, etc
- Message Kit- Responsible for Email, SMS
- Address Book- Contact, editing.
- Event Kit- Alarm, Calendar events, etc.
- Game Kit- Responsible for gaming activity.
- iAd- It supports Apple’s advertisement platform
- Map Kit- Google map, Apple map.
- Message Kit- Responsible for Email etc
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